Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Career Goals

from Google Images
I aspire to be a Forensic Psychologist at Florida Institute of Technology or an Economics major at Clark Atlanta University. Forensic Psychologist profile people based on their facial features, speech, as well as their state of mind when they committed the crime they are being charged for. I am an entrepreneur and by obtaining an economics degree  I will be able to progress my business because I will be able to branch out and work on finances better.

from Google Images

Monday, July 9, 2012

Brag Project

The topic I chose for my brag project is animal abuse and animal adoption. Despite major occurrances that overshadow this problem, it still exists and something must be done about it. I intend to do multiple fundraisers that will raise money to donate to the Atlanta Humane Society. I will also do walks in dogs parks and open parks to showcase the adoptable dogs already in the Humane Society Shelter. There will be adopt-a-thons in order to help the animals find good homes Wouldn't you want to see a dog or cat happy and in a good home instead of on the streets or along a stretch of highway dead?
picture from Google Images

Community Service

        Community Service

     Community service is necessary and essential when applying for scholarships.  My community service included:
   -Tutoring students between ages 7-18 that lived in cities ranging from Valdosta to Atlanta and Jefferson, Georgia. I would either go to their homes or meet them at a library or quiet institution and spend up to 4 hours with one person depending the subject they needed to obtain help in and the severity of their grades.

   - Babysitting and reading to the children between ages 3-9. I would read 2 books to them before they went to bed and assist with any homework or projects they had. It was a learning experience because I was able to observe exactly how to deal with children much younger than what I'm use to and learn how a small number of children are taught.

from Google Images


Leadership is essential in order to build character and morals. This will show colleges your dedication and this will enhance your scholarship essays. My leadership roles included:

National Honor Society- I participate in meetings and make suggestions of what could be done as service projects for the community. It also offers up to $250,000 in scholarships.

Beta Club- I'm helping to organize events and ideas that are given during meetings. This program offers $260,000 in scholarships.

Book Club- I am the president of the book club and I organize the fields trips we take, fundraisers for those field trips and order the books that the group reads.

HOSA- I participated in the Fall Leadership Conference in which we competed against other schools in Georgia to win.

Emory Pipeline- Participated in competitions between the groups of students in my grade and gave suggestions for activities that we given weekly.

Georgia Tech Pathway- I particapated in a competition in which my team won and work on SAT/ACT prep in order to improve and boost scores.

Teacher's Aid- I prepared lesson plans and tests for my class to take. I taught some of the new students when the 2nd semester of the school year began.

Yearbook Staff- I took pictures of my section of the yearbook and then worked to make the page presentable and appealing.

Awards I've received from Elementary school to High School for being part of the different organizations and for my leadership roles in my classroom and school.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Art and Music Are My Life

I have never considered myself to be much of an artist until I was handed a sketch book and given assignments to do. I've learned how to draw multiple things and have begun to work on sketching and drawing people. There have also been several discussions about controversial topics relating to history and presetn day that have really peaked my interest. I have loved music for a very long time. I was raised listening to country music and have since branched out to rock and a little bit of pop music. I learned how to play the viola and violin in middle school and I know how to play the gutiar. I love creating melodies and different tunes because I'm always still learning and I love adventuring outside of the norm for music. I love incorporating music into my art and vise versa because it makes my work come to life and more creative.

from Google Images

Returning Home!

Today I am very excited to leave CAU. I will be visiting my boyfriend's mother because she had surgery yesterday. I will also be able to return to the country where I was raised. Most people can't believe I'm not from the city until they notice my southern accent. I do enjoy the city and the bright lights but I really miss the wide open spaces and serenity of the country. There is a very huge contrast between the different settings. The city has a huge diversity of people but the country is a small community of people who know everyone and their children. There is less likely to be a crime because there are not that many people and who honestly would drive 4 hours just to rob or harm someone? Can you just imagine the cool breeze flowing through a freshly cut pasture or the rush of adrenaline you get from riding a horse across the wide open space?

from Google Images

Monday, July 2, 2012

What Is Public Speaking?

My favorite class at CAU is public speaking. This class helps us learn speaking skills that will help enhance vocabulary as well as increase confidence in speaking. In my entreprenuer class I learned the basics in order to deliver a business plan. Now I am learning how to give speeches and how to become comfortable in front of my peers and strangers. This is a class that I highly recommend for high schools due to the fact that some students have speaking issues as well as don't know how to speak proper English. The teachers can have fun activities such as tongue twisters or debates to really help the students become fast thinkers as well as learn how to say tricky words.
 Ex- She sells sea shells by the sea shore
       Unique New York (try saying that one fast 3xs)

Is Math Really Boring?

Atlanta…the city of fast cars, prostitution, broken dreams, pain and blood. Each day on the news we see raw pure negativity that clouds our minds in a thick smoggy haze and the rap music slowly leaving behind ignorant corpses that are numbed into a drunken sleep. When does the torment end? Where is the line drawn? Why is it drawn if only to be crossed? Why do we see perfection when there’s only flaws? ~Excerpt from my math assignment~
      I myself am among the millions of people who are not very fond of math however my math class at CAU is very fun. However this math assignment has really caught my eye. We're working on videos that detail how we see our lives now and what we're planning to do for the future. We're graphing the shapes we plan on using for our videos as well as taking into consideration what our futures are going to look like. This is a highly recommended lesson I believe teachers should use this school year to get their students interested in learning and for the seniors of 2013 to learn and narrow down their choices for their future colleges.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

CAU at a Glance

Clark Atlanta University, an interesting campus to spend a summer program at. Among the crowds of college students you would think things would be like out of a movie. All parties no work well you'd be wrong. You've got very kind people who will work hard to help you into this school but from there it's up to you to make sure you don't disappoint them. My supervisor here is very kind but she puts in a lot of work to help raise funds for the school and for the students. Incoming freshmen should really think twice about slacking once they arrive because they have no idea how hard it is to make sure they get here and stay here.