Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Which Websites Are Best For Authors?

Rating- B-
Statement- This website is a summary of a couple website that might help with publishing.
Summary- This is an account of a person who went throuugh steps many other authors went through in the process of getting their book published
Opinion- This doesn't help very much but anyone who wants to attempt it can
Learned- It's hard to get a book published and it can be very costly.
Improve- Needs to include more details and clean the page up to make it A LOT more appealing.
Book stack
from Technology Blog

Statement- This website helps with publishing books
Summary- This is a website that will help you tremendously with publishing your book by giving you step by step instructions
Opinion- This page is rather appealing and helpful
Learned- There are websites such as this online dedicated to helping and showing you how to creat your website online
Improve- There is nothing I can think of that could be improved

from Help Publish

Clark Atlanta University Review 2: Is this website better?

Rating- A
Statement- Very insightful
Summary- This website gives you statistics, enrollment information, expenses and other very helpful information you need of you are applying to CAU.
Opinion- There are to many ads and the format could be altered to make the site more appealing.
Learned- That CAU is a very good school with a high enrollment rate and most of the people enrolling into the school are girls. This website is also a little more insightful than CAU's actual website despite some of the information being from 2010.
Improve- Update the information for the Class of 2011 or the currently enrolling Class of 2012.

Student gender distribution
from USN Education Colleges

Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology
from Forensic Psychology Careers
Rating- B-                                                                            
Statement- What Is Forensic Psychology?
Summary- Gives detials about the field of forensic psychology but could go into more lengthy details.
Opinion- There are far to many ads and links on this page.
Learned- The same information I already learned from other websites and saw a little information that I hadn't seen before
Improve- More information and a lot less ads and links to other websites or offers.

Rating- A
Statement- What Is Forensic Psychology?
Summary- This website gives indepth details and information about forensic psychology it is very detailed and very well written.
Opinion- There could be less ads on the page.
Learned- Forensic Psychology isn't just for criminal profiling there are other multiple uses for the major.
Improve- There could be a little bit more indepth information but overall it was really interesting.

Marisa Mauro
from Psychology Today

Monday, June 25, 2012

Clark Atlanta University Review- How does it compare to other universities?

Clark Atlanta University
Rating- A-
Statement- CAU the school with one of the most helpful websites.
Summary- This website is Clark Atlanta's official website that gives you everything you need. It list the different schools, financial aid etc. in certain sections. They keep you up to date with events and news that occurs on campus.
Opinion- The website is very helpful and full of information but I don't like the way it's set up and it could use pictures of its logo and such
Learned- That CAU gives you basic step by step instructions and very helpful information about, how to apply and finanical aid for the school.
Improve- The web site could be a lot simplier with less links because it gets slightly confusing on which url to click

Friday, June 15, 2012


What is the best school to obtain a degree? Are the schools in Georgia or are they out of state? Is Florida Institute better than Clark Atlanta or is it the other way around? Is Forensic Psychology better than Economics? Does anyone have any information to help me with my college and career search????

Help with Book Publishing

I love and live to write, Maximum Ride is where my writing career began. I enjoy the books so much and began to desire to be just like James Patterson if not better. I just don't know where to start with getting my books published. I've already written two books and am editing them both. Does anyone have any tips for me and how I should progress from where I am?

Forensic Psychology or Economics?

from Google Images
I desire to be either a Forensic Psychologist or an Economics major. I'm debating between the two of these because they both really intrigue me. Through classes at my school as well as my peers I have seen and experienced first hand what it's like to be an entreprenuer and a Forensic Psychologist. These majors are difficult but I believe I can obtain the desired results once I obtain a degree. My only question is how do I decide which major is best for me?

from Google Images

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mysterious Clark Atlanta

Clark Atlanta University, a very interesting school to spend the summer at. A lot goes on behind these closed doors but that's not what intrigued me. CAU is a school with very proffesional teachers and students. A trip to the admissions office and a rather long talk with a counselor further my interest in Economics at this mysterious school.
"What is this school really all about?" I asked.
He simply replied, "You'll have to come here in the fall of your graduating year if you really want to know."
What goes on that I haven't seen? Is this school worth the time I plan to invest? What makes it so mysterious yet free? So many unanswered questions that I must know. What is Clark Atlanta really hiding beneath the surface?